Job Description for Volunteer Teachers


To teach adults to read, write and/or speak English in a classroom setting.


ALP is conducting two Virtual Teacher Training workshops throughout the year usually occurring in the Fall and Winter. The workshops are 6 hours of zoom workshop instruction, 6 hours of online courses, and two classroom observations. Volunteers need to attend every session and complete all requirements to become certified. Additional in-service training is provided throughout the year to meet professional development requirements outlined by the State.


Classes run in 8-week quarters and are held at our building- 1345 Rudakof Circle and online. We have four adult classrooms and one computer literacy lab.


Classes meet twice a week for 1.5 hours each time. Most classes occur between the hours of 9:00am and 7:00pm. Substitutes are found when necessary.


We expect a commitment of teaching at least 16 weeks of classes within a year of completing the Teacher Training Workshop. This is a significant amount of your time and we ask that you consider it carefully when you register for a workshop.


Volunteer teachers must know how to read, write and speak the English language. We want volunteers to be genuinely interested in helping other adults from many different countries.

Instructional Materials

ALP uses many different curricula to provide a structured method for teaching adults basic reading, writing and/or English speaking skills.


Your efforts will open doors of opportunity for adults and you will make lasting differences in the lives of your students and your own.